Making research relateable to patients, public and peers

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African Young Patient With Cerebral Palsy Using Crutches
  • Convert your participant information sheet into video. Find Out More

  • For when you need to get your message out. Find Out More

  • Short videos to share with funders and policy makers. Find Out More

  • Create engaging public content around your REF Impact case studies. Find Out More

  • Short videos that walk people through your study. Find Out More

  • Social Media Content, Unusual Science Comm, Corporate and Charity Material. Find Out More

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"Working with Adam was a great experience, from one initial discussion and email exchange he ran with the project! At each step I was kept informed as to how things were going and my input was requested at key points....more importantly, when I was not 100% happy with something Adam was always happy to amend following clarification of wording / images. The feedback that I have had from diverse people on the animations produced has been really positive and I will look for opportunities to work again with Adam in the future.”

Dr Davara Bennett. Institution of Population Health, University of Liverpool.

Dr Davara Bennett. Institution of Population Health, University of Liverpool.

Professor Peter Ball. Chair of Operations Management, University of York

"I would like to say what a pleasure it has been to work with you on the creation of our ten impact videos this summer. Your style of communication, your energy, your flexibility, your guidance and your patience were ideal to create what we wanted." 

“The whole process was really smooth from start to finish. Adam gave an overview of the different stages, and this was really helpful to set expectations about what would be needed when... and also at what stage the script and storyboard would need to be closed to further edits! The team is delighted with the end product and we've used it in the first week in our social media, teaching and a conference presentation. Really good value for money.”

Professor Deborah Hall. Head of Psychology, Heriot-Watt University

Professor Deborah Hall. Head of Psychology, Heriot-Watt University

“It was a great experience working with Adam - he was responsive, open and collaborative throughout. It was reassuring knowing I had multiple opportunities to get feedback and iterate at script and storyboard stage. Adam was patient - I have a tendency to second guess everything - but he knew when to gently advocate for particular decisions. The video is the better for it. He was also accommodating when I asked for changes to the music and voiceover.  I'm really happy with the end result. And I've had a fair few requests for ScienceSplained's info when I've shared the video!”

Prof Ewan St John Smith, Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge

Prof Ewan St John Smith, Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge

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